Friday, July 2, 2021

Caption of the Blog - One and Only!

So, here it is!  The one, last, great round-up!  This one's for all the marbles!  For the entire blog!  Our contenders are the Yearly winners.

Here's the winner of 2018.

Long winded winner of 2019.

Here's the ice-cold lady from 2020.

And here's the resident reigning champion for 2021.

But the one that's always captured my heart, the one that I think has been the best of the best is...

I've always loved everything about this caption and time has not stopped that.  She wins the whole bloggin' she-bang.

Well, that's about it on my end.  Been a weird wild ride.  Have a wonderful sissy, cuckholded life!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Caption of the Year - Final (2021)

 So, here we are.  The last year (sort of) and the last round-up of monthly winners!






And the winner of the final Caption of the Year is...

January.  Got it in one, this year.  Just the level of contempt and the narrative of degeneration is a thing of beauty.