Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sissy Review - II

So, my plan, right now, is to alternate months between my reviews.  One month will be a site I’m familiar with (i.e. in my regular sissy-rotation), and the next will be a site that’s relatively new to me.
This month, I’m going to be looking at Panty Bimbo.  Having been in operation since 2015, I’m actually pretty shocked that this one has flown below my radar for as long as it has.  It has an expansive backlog of gifs, pics, and captions that are sure to titillate most of us out there in the sissy-sphere (remind me to trademark this later, if it hasn’t been already).  The lay-out is less of an eye-assaulting barrage of content and gifs that are guaranteed to slow down your computer, and more of a single-file blog-esque list that will keep you scrolling.  Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I prefer this to the near sissy-seizure inducing kind of tumblr that seems to be en vogue these days.  All in all, it’s a solid tumblr that has plenty for any takers.
The only real issues that I have with Panty Bimbo are few and minor.  It has a habit of reposting its own content multiple times, sometimes on the same page, but that’s not really a reason to start the ddos attacks, just yet.  It leans heavy on blonde bimbo-y fake-titted stuff which isn’t my personal cup of tea, so I can’t really count that as a legitimate gripe (especially since the word “Bimbo” is written in the name).  It doesn’t really do much by way of original content, and mostly just aggregates everything it finds from somewhere else, but what it does post is generally some of the better stuff out there.  Panty Bimbo has a good eye for higher-notch content, and puts it to good use when posting on her tumblr.  Further, whatever original content I’ve seen is pretty good from what I’ve seen, so this also isn’t very much of a detriment to the tumblr as a whole.  Again, I’m just shocked that this tumblr has flown under my radar for so long given how good a quality it is.  Panty-on, sissies!
Update Schedule: Multiple times per week
Typical Posts: Captions, Pics, Gifs
Typical subject: Feminization, Panties, Bimboification,
Extra Points:  Good eye for content, updates frequently
Paid content: None
Would like to see more...Original Content
Final Rating 4 out of 5 Sissy Bimbos (Prostitutes)

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