Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sissy Review - V

April’s review is coming courtesy of Courtney's Clean Caps. This is another blog I’ve been frequenting for a while.  Having gotten its start around 2012, this site has the rare honor of being (to my knowledge at least) 100% original content.  Not bad for a blog.  Of course, there are multiple writers, so that makes it a lot easier to pull this off, but original content is something should always be applauded.  Courtney’s blog is pretty much 100% captioned images, though they have branched out into Amazon self-publishing, lately (and good for them, anyone that can make a buck off of sissy-dom deserves to).  The captions are the longer-formed story-types, that often involved some element of forced femme, and/or punishment.  Often, these captions involve some kind of sibling rivalry and some level of age-regression (more on that in a minute). 
I do, however, have a couple of issues.  First of all, the format is…not the best.  It’s still better than that eye-assaulting pinterest style, but each caption has a separate page dedicated to its image.  Again, it’s not the worst, but it can be time consuming if you’re…I dunno…trying to catch-up on 2-3 weeks’ worth of captions.  Also, the age-regression thing is…not my thing.  It can be done quite well and with great effect, however, there are times when browsing Courtney’s Place that I feel like I’ve been added to some NSA watch list.  The images skew a little too young, sometimes.  Maybe I’m an old prude but…well, actually, I’m not.  I run a fucking sissy-blog for god’s sake.  When your material makes me feel uncomfortable about seeing it, you might be approaching a line.  I’m not saying Courtney’s a garbage sex offender, I’m just saying she treads into territory that makes me uncomfortable.
One final point of note: Apparently, Courtney is an actual, biological female with an interest in the sissy-world.  A bit of a rarity, I find.  Rock on, sister!
Update Schedule: Multiple times per week
Typical Posts: Captions, Self-Published Amazon
Typical subject: Feminization, Punishment, Sibling Rivalry, Age Regression
Extra Points:  100% original content, updates frequently
Paid content: Self-Published Amazon Books
Would like to see more...content that won’t get me red-flagged by the federal government.
Final Rating 3 out of 5 (Perfectly Legal) Age Regressed Brothers

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